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National Night out with Indian Harbour Beach Police Department

July 23, 2018 by AtlantisUrgentCare
Atlantis Urgent Care is a sponsor of National Night out with the Indian Harbour Beach Police Department held on August 7th from 5pm – 9pm at Indian Harbour Beach Rec – Gleason Park.
This year marks the 35th Anniversary of National Night Out. Over 38 million neighbors take part in National Night Out (NNO) across approximately 16 thousand communities from all 50 states. NNO is an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie…to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live.
Come and celebrate with Indian Harbour Beach Police Department, City Employees and the Staff and Students of Ocean Breeze Elementary as we ask our community to take a stand against criminals by turning on the porch lights, locking the house up and joining us for an evening of fun and laughs. We are planning events like face painting, a corn hole competition, Dunk-A-Cop (in a dunk tank), a pie eating contest, Police Simulator for adults and a movie in the park! We will have a K-9 demonstration by Kato and Ofc. Swenson, police vehicles on display and local vendors will have tents set up for information. We will also raffle off some Ring Doorbells, as our partners in National Night Out, to participants. Please follow this link and download the Ring Neighborhood App to help us get more doorbells to give away.